
In most cases, we will replace defective items or an incorrect order simply by receiving a photograph showing the specific problem with the product and by including the order number.

Who pays the shipping cost on returns

If the item you purchased arrived damaged or not as described, and you reported the issues to our support team within 7 days of delivery, we would be responsible for the return shipping costs.
On a preference-based return, typically the customer would be responsible for purchasing the return shipping label.

What is the policy for products which are not broken but the customer wants to return because they changed their mind about the purchase

Since your order is custom printed just for you, we aren’t responsible for refunds or exchanges due to a preference-based return.

Please make sure that:
The product was purchased in the last 60 days
The product is unwashed, unworn and unused
The product itself or the printing is defective OR the final product is different than the one you ordered

Contact Information

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